Tuesday 28 June 2011

Seyz & Niz ~ Tunang

This time BubblyPictures travels to the east coast of Malaysia, Kuala Terengganu. There we met the two most adorable couple and superbly active friends. It's was a Malay Tunang. The weather was hot that day and I was sweating like a monsoon. The event was a short one with both families agreed on the terms and condition, then the beautiful bride came out from her room. A short introduction and it was already lunch time. Everyone was happy gulping down their food and I had my chance later as well. To be honest, the food was absolutely delicious :) I enjoyed the event. Congratulations to Seyz and Niz~! Here are some shots of the day, enjoy.


Wyn & Family

On a Sunday afternoon, after our Broga climb, BubblyPictures has to follow a family to shoot bubbly moments of their trip. Wyn was a cheerful guy with a ever smiling wife. Their kids were cute and lovely. Bin was assigned for this job. He followed them to Felda Hot Spring, Perak. It was his first time at the hot spring. The place was incredibly huge and there were tons of people, mainly the school holiday just started. It was a challenge for him as there were always disturbance with children running around blocking or interfering with the framing of the pictures. He did a great job in capturing the bubbliest moment for Wyn and family. Enjoy the shots :)

Sunday 26 June 2011

The Brand Laureate Award 2011

BubblyPictures were tagging along with Televas (http://www.teamtelevas.com.my) again to help them document their participation in the event. The Brand Laureate Award was a high profile event. Lots of important people, sports person, CEO(s), and lots more arrived at the scene. Here are some photos that we documented on that day. Enjoy :)

*Note: The event was held on March 2011

1Malaysia KL International Dragon Boat 2011

BubblyPictures was tagging along with Televas (http://www.teamtelevas.com.my) to the 1Malaysia KL International Dragon Boat 2011. We were there to help document the event for Televas. Televas was helping the event with the live-telecast of the race. It was a hot two-day event during the weekends. Lots of teams participated the event. Even a pink cancer team participated. There were cheering from their supporters, people screaming due to excitement, and children running around. Enjoy some of the photos we took during the event :)

*Note: It is an event on March 2011

Saturday 4 June 2011

Broga Hill

On a beautiful Sunday morning (really early morning), we joined a few of our best mates to Broga Hill for a little adventure. Initially we wanted to capture sunrise but few of the mates were late and we missed the chance. The climb was not as hard as we thought it was. There were massive amount of people compare to the last time we climbed last few years ago. The place is now polluted with the irresponsible people who throw their rubbish, empty bottles, plastics, etc. around the place. It was quite disappointed to see such event is happening but nevertheless, it was a nice outing and it was even nicer to be with our best mates.